Spanish Names for Dogs

Spanish Names for Dogs: Male & Female

When it comes to choosing a name for your furry friend, why not consider embracing the charm and elegance of the Spanish language? Spanish names for dogs add a touch of sophistication and cultural richness to your pet’s identity. Whether you have a male or female dog, there is an abundance of beautiful and meaningful Spanish names to choose from. In this blog post, we will explore a diverse selection of Spanish dog names, So let’s delve into the world of Spanish names and discover a name that captures the essence of your beloved canine companion.

Spanish Names for Male Dogs

Here are some Spanish names for male dogs:

  • Bruno
  • Eduardo
  • Coco
  • Roberto
  • Daniel
  • Nacho
  • Diego
  • Salvador
  • Fabio
  • Carlos
  • Zeus
  • Beto
  • Santiago
  • Alejandro
  • Pablo
  • Chico
  • Pepe
  • Mateo
  • Hugo
  • César
  • Javier
  • Emilio
  • Juanito
  • Fernando
  • Pedro
  • Manuel
  • Esteban
  • Nico
  • Antonio
  • Max
  • Gabriel
  • Andrés
  • Rafael
  • Toby
  • Luis
  • Javi
  • Ramón
  • Jorge
  • Miguel
  • Rocky
  • Marco
  • Ricardo
  • Dante
  • Guillermo
  • Leo
  • Simón
  • Ramiro
  • Rafa
  • Francisco
  • Felipe

Spanish Names for Female Dogs

Here are some Spanish names for female dogs:

  • Victoria
  • Laura
  • Alejandra
  • Bella
  • Ximena
  • Lola
  • Elena
  • Frida
  • Aurora
  • Carmen
  • Paloma
  • Patricia
  • Lucia
  • Luna
  • Salma
  • Rosa
  • Chica
  • Amara
  • Josefina
  • Clara
  • Camila
  • Mariana
  • Beatriz
  • Valentina
  • Natalia
  • Esperanza
  • Nina
  • Martina
  • Conchita
  • Olivia
  • Raquel
  • Rosita
  • Daniela
  • Catalina
  • Maya
  • Gabriela
  • Paula
  • Julieta
  • Estrella
  • Sofia
  • Alegría
  • Celeste
  • Mariposa
  • Isabella
  • Pepa
  • Mia

Gender-Neutral Spanish Dog Names

Here are some gender-neutral Spanish names for dog:

  • Max
  • Sasha
  • Dylan
  • Charlie
  • Pompón (meaning “pompom”)
  • Sonrisa (meaning “smile”)
  • Caramelo (meaning “candy”)
  • Dulce (meaning “sweet”)
  • Risitas (meaning “giggles”)
  • Sol (meaning “sun”)
  • Trufa (meaning “truffle”)
  • Estrella (meaning “star”)
  • Pato (meaning “duck”)
  • Chispita (meaning “little spark”)
  • Brisa (meaning “breeze”)
  • Azúcar (meaning “sugar”)
  • Trueno (meaning “thunder”)
  • Chispa (meaning “spark”)
  • Pimienta (meaning “pepper”)
  • Arcoíris (meaning “rainbow”)
  • Flor
  • Rayito (meaning “little ray”)
  • Mora (meaning “mulberry”)
  • Chicle (meaning “gum”)
  • Pelusa (meaning “fluff”)
  • Pluma (meaning “feather”)
  • Amor (meaning “love”)
  • Guapo (meaning “handsome”)
  • Limón (meaning “lemon”)
  • Caracol (meaning “snail”)
  • Cielo (meaning “sky”)
  • Lucero (meaning “bright star”)
  • Caricia (meaning “caress”)
  • Copo (meaning “flake”)
  • Miel (meaning “honey”)
  • Rayo (meaning “ray”)
  • Azul (meaning “blue”)
  • Nube (meaning “cloud”)
  • Pingo (meaning “dot”)
  • Perlita (meaning “little pearl”)
  • Osito (meaning “little bear”)
  • Canela (meaning “cinnamon”)
  • Pecas (meaning “freckles”)
  • Manchita (meaning “little spot”)

Traditional Spanish Names for Dogs

Here are some traditional names for dog:

  • Gabriel (God is my strength)
  • Consuelo (consolation)
  • Luis (renowned warrior)
  • Victoria (victory)
  • Rafaela (God has healed)
  • Diego (supplanter)
  • Santiago (Saint James)
  • María (bitter or rebellious)
  • Dolores (sorrows)
  • Antonio (priceless)
  • Ana (grace)
  • Teresa (harvester)
  • Adrián (dark one)
  • Paco (short for Francisco)
  • Paula (small)
  • Pilar (pillar)
  • Esperanza (hope)
  • Rafael (God has healed)
  • Manuel (God is with us)
  • Juan (God is gracious)
  • Inés (pure)
  • Sofia (wisdom)
  • Rosario (rosary)
  • Carmen (song)
  • Beatriz (voyager through life)
  • Manuela (feminine form of Manuel)
  • Clara (clear, bright)
  • Isabel (pledged to God)
  • Javier (bright or new house)
  • Mariana (bitter)
  • Rosa (rose)
  • Francisco (Frenchman)
  • Raul (wolf counsel)
  • Ignacio (fiery)
  • Martín (warrior)
  • Carlos (free man)
  • Aurora (dawn)
  • Eduardo (wealthy guardian)
  • Lorena (laurel)
  • Pepito (little José)
  • Alejandro (defender of men)
  • Miguel (who is like God?)
  • Carmen (garden)
  • Ramiro (famous advisor)
  • Mercedes (mercy)
  • Conchita (little Concepción)
  • Julio (youthful)

Badass Spanish Dog Names

Here are some badass names for dog:

  • Ragnar
  • Despiadado (ruthless)
  • Valiente (valiant)
  • Fénix (phoenix)
  • Furiosa (furious)
  • Draco (dragon)
  • Atila (Attila)
  • Dominante (dominant)
  • Brujo (warlock)
  • Cíclope (cyclops)
  • Titán (titan)
  • Furia (fury)
  • Goliath
  • Gorgona (gorgon)
  • Dragón (dragon)
  • Diablo (devil)
  • Gángster (gangster)
  • Espada (sword)
  • Lobo (wolf)
  • Trueno (thunder)
  • Cazador (hunter)
  • Sombra (shadow)
  • Furioso (furious)
  • Hiena (hyena)
  • Rayo (bolt)
  • Xena
  • Halcón (falcon)
  • Azote (whip)
  • Centella (spark)
  • Venganza (vengeance)
  • Tormenta (storm)
  • Espectro (specter)
  • Coloso (colossus)
  • Matador (bullfighter)
  • Bronce (bronze)
  • Rudo (rough)
  • Tempestad (tempest)
  • Rabia (rage)
  • Zorro (fox)
  • Guerrera (warrior)
  • Cobra
  • Apache
  • Caos (chaos)
  • Destrozo (destruction)
  • Zar (czar)
  • Vendetta
  • Fiero (fierce)
  • Intrépido (intrepid)
  • Enigma
  • Lanzallamas (flamethrower)

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Spanish Names for Dogs Spanish Names for Dogs Badass Spanish Dog Names

Qt Ain

QT Ain is a passionate blogger and pet lover from the United States. As the owner of, QT aims to share her knowledge and love for pets by providing unique and creative pet name ideas to pet owners all over the world.