The Minotaur, with its human body and the head of a bull, stands as one of the most iconic creatures from ancient mythology. Originating from Greek tales, particularly the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur, this creature’s story is intertwined with the labyrinth of Crete, where it was imprisoned and later defeated. While most of us are familiar with the legend, not many ponder over the naming conventions used for Minotaurs. In this article, we will explore the depths of Minotaur names, their meanings, and how they might be chosen.
Minotaur Names Male
- Aeutz
- Aghu
- Agomag
- Agorikole
- Agugh
- Alcagno
- Alis
- Allia
- Alogha
- Aloghe
- Althku
- Altim
- Ambadug
- Anaregu
- Andemos
- Ania
- Anike
- Anikomra
- Ankghe
- Antim
- Anurgh
- Apelia
- Apgujja
- Appos
- Archemilug
- Arfu
- Argan
- Arhbub
- Arlsme
- Arlugu
- Aronub
- Asines
- Asiocra
- Asisto
- Asrgh
- Athogu
- Athu
- Atus
- Atzjrene
- Badud
- Badugo
- Bagugo
- Biaa
- Biakgilug
- Biavul
- Bides
- Bildag
- Boguth
- Bordud
- Boria
- Brathu
- Brotha
- Bubdar
- Bubfide
- Bubnod
- Bulmoth
- Bunike
- Buomut
- Buulra
- Cabubdag
- Cabulm
- Caeuan
- Caeus
- Cassan
- Chahgan
- Ched
- Chippok
- Chosan
- Chotios
- Chymia
- Chyphildud
- Clenkron
- Clonod
- Colius
- Craton
- Cubora
- Dagna
- Dagnes
- Dagog
- Dagogu
- Dagugmud
- Darodoxan
- Demato
- Demistra
- Diades
- Diochia
- Dios
- Dostar
- Drazius
- Drgan
- Drukurun
- Ebios
- Eiafupho
- Eiande
- Eiaquug
- Ekgher
- Elia
- Enarho
- Enkhar
- Eratios
- Ergarsebor
- Ergh
- Erim
- Etkale
- Etristo
- Eudpha
- Euktug
- Eulgan
- Eumele
- Eumhra
- Euphilug
- Euphor
- Eupisa
- Eurl
- Eusana
- Eusebios
- Eusquomat
- Eutjja
- Eutycha
- Faghat
- Fahale
- Farhbu
- Farmia
- Farout
- Fhugujja
- Fidud
- Fode
- Fozhbu
- Frus
- Fukarpok
- Garphas
- Gelista
- Ghed
- Gnadgu
- Gnadud
- Gnatha
- Gomaios
- Gorugu
- Gratho
- Gruzun
- Gubia
- Gubsan
- Gubub
- Gugh
- Gughus
- Gugorim
- Gutaginsbor
- Guth
- Hagaa
- Hagh
- Haguth
- Hahgat
- Haikos
- Halkat
- Haneopig
- Hanlamab
- Hargh
- Hatos
- Hedbar
- Hemia
- Hemotino
- Heodos
- Hgantide
- Hibub
- Houthe
- Hypan
- Hytokrig
- Igagdul
- Iggugh
- Igmugmud
- Igole
- Igum
- Ilapka
- Ilthila
- Inefu
- Ines
- Inglab
- Inumhu
- Iretrysia
- Janduk
- Jargur
- Jogorus
- Jregha
- Jregius
- Jregub
- Jrenikka
- Jugat
- Kagdud
- Kagog
- Kaguggu
- Kahatim
- Kakos
- Kargul
- Kassan
- Katz
- Ketkno
- Khudiax
- Kleiade
- Knaghe
- Knugmut
- Kodorim
- Kolka
- Koswegu
- Krasmok
- Kronymia
- Kubfupho
- Kulgan
- Kulkud
- Kydile
- Kydios
- Lagutz
- Lakukgh
- Lamarmia
- Lambrout
- Lamgub
- Laos
- Lapdud
- Lapod
- Lapodag
- Larfu
- Leophilug
- Leopka
- Lmos
- Lymia
- Lysago
- Lysildan
- Lysimus
- Maeus
- Marcho
- Melemios
- Metraku
- Miappe
- Miasis
- Miston
- Mnarche
- Mugu
- Mutra
- Myrodag
- Myrrhbu
- Nabub
- Nagarim
- Nakghe
- Naprix
- Narasidiocia
- Nargul
- Naspar
- Neia
- Nicheopia
- Nicuktus
- Nobnob
- Nugguk
- Nugwela
- Nurbuk
- Nurox
- Nusmed
- Ohod
- Ohos
- Ohoxan
- Omaclia
- Omenab
- Omenod
- Omkug
- Omra
- Onabuome
- Onoguk
- Onos
- Onwome
- Ophibia
- Oqutgh
- Oristia
- Orugu
- Pambrod
- Parcha
- Pason
- Patera
- Patoth
- Pertemios
- Petrat
- Phibu
- Phoidgu
- Pias
- Ploe
- Pochat
- Poslos
- Pososios
- Poszenka
- Pratius
- Prudir
- Prumax
- Pton
- Ptorat
- Ptorod
- Ptosia
- Ptozhbu
- Pyto
- Quademia
- Quorgu
- Quughu
- Renkrod
- Rhos
- Rilrag
- Rimele
- Rimyr
- Rissan
- Rodes
- Roklape
- Sabubdar
- Santhe
- Santim
- Sarfu
- Sarhor
- Shos
- Siokle
- Smothig
- Sogrike
- Soguth
- Sogzene
- Squulg
- Stra
- Surgaa
- Tarfu
- Tasmotine
- Thakgh
- Thakgu
- Tharlg
- Thed
- Theon
- Timaeuab
- Tinbor
- Tinbur
- Togugu
- Torim
- Trig
- Tudrun
- Tunrag
- Tuntarak
- Tunvas
- Ugelbe
- Ughato
- Ughilus
- Ulmok
- Umha
- Urbog
- Vago
- Vegh
- Vige
- Vigkat
- Vitgu
- Vithos
- Vitos
- Vlouth
- Vugan
- Vukate
- Vulapgu
- Vulmth
- Vymuk
- Vyrkud
- Wakuka
- Wanikos
- Wannarak
- Warkirus
- Wauhgan
- Waurl
- Welan
- Weles
- Welius
- Winsbor
- Winthu
- Womagu
- Wonodan
- Wudeme
- Wudud
- Xabaruk
- Xadiax
- Xana
- Xandrike
- Xantia
- Xantide
- Xenale
- Xepkar
- Xnaista
- Xugogan
- Xunus
- Xurim
- Xynyr
- Yachu
- Yacia
- Yerghibu
- Yeropho
- Yugher
- Zargh
- Zargu
- Zarhbu
- Zaria
- Zenkakolub
- Zopaha
- Zopide
- Zudago
- Zupgut
- Zupigka
- Zyrmus
Minotaur Names Female
- Ades
- Agnas
- Agomais
- Ales
- Aliasta
- Althan
- Altora
- Altoth
- Anaraikos
- Anargu
- Ancra
- Andeme
- Anexan
- Ankgit
- Anthoxia
- Antinsbolysa
- Aratepka
- Arokla
- Atheopho
- Atos
- Atugh
- Atzgut
- Bademilrn
- Baesen
- Banumhu
- Bargan
- Berenicloe
- Bidgujja
- Bilania
- Bilemoth
- Blidris
- Bogan
- Boron
- Broide
- Bron
- Broxia
- Bubdakgan
- Bubdakgu
- Bubghu
- Buborine
- Bubu
- Bubyphilra
- Burfu
- Chaghe
- Chothu
- Chyaroibi
- Cora
- Corikolku
- Coros
- Crakgu
- Deson
- Despho
- Deswon
- Dides
- Digo
- Dildan
- Diod
- Dion
- Drakgu
- Drarim
- Dras
- Drytana
- Drytin
- Dryzia
- Egilth
- Eiat
- Eichepka
- Eireno
- Ekghar
- Eknago
- Enasim
- Eniketra
- Eragor
- Eregut
- Erginth
- Erodor
- Erouth
- Erto
- Etkalcaeug
- Eudagan
- Eudidgu
- Eudton
- Eudwildrim
- Eumhu
- Eurfu
- Eurlan
- Eusebia
- Eusmea
- Eusogu
- Eusychig
- Eutgha
- Euthu
- Ewkbar
- Farim
- Faros
- Fides
- Frugut
- Fukgila
- Fuoroul
- Ganath
- Ganos
- Geratana
- Gnassa
- Gnerkohn
- Gnodor
- Guka
- Hagabu
- Hagnale
- Hakgu
- Hatz
- Hedxepka
- Helbea
- Helpheras
- Heok
- Heran
- Hgan
- Hgateline
- Hilran
- Hughor
- Idgu
- Igianike
- Igka
- Igkalcab
- Igujja
- Ilaghe
- Ilus
- Imate
- Ineon
- Irekgu
- Isildaku
- Istorim
- Jugh
- Jughat
- Kaghu
- Kakgbu
- Kallius
- Kalsia
- Karusebu
- Kebu
- Kegugo
- Kharyl
- Khebes
- Kheden
- Kleos
- Knarok
- Knasche
- Knastra
- Komgna
- Konzera
- Korigno
- Kostoloe
- Krigia
- Kugath
- Kugbu
- Kughos
- Kugugu
- Kupis
- Kurgut
- Kurimhu
- Kuugha
- Kyrrhbu
- Lanos
- Lanthu
- Lantios
- Lapetka
- Lappeline
- Lappomag
- Latha
- Lisia
- Logancra
- Lymphymia
- Lysias
- Machrypat
- Melpis
- Memys
- Meneurmut
- Mianeice
- Miostia
- Mistra
- Molbei
- Mugano
- Muthus
- Myrthymid
- Myrton
- Naisto
- Narghe
- Narim
- Nasmok
- Nason
- Nassan
- Negthku
- Neopho
- Nera
- Nesjice
- Neuthe
- Nike
- Nogu
- Nonaga
- Nugha
- Nugulm
- Nurgan
- Nurgul
- Nysarok
- Ohoxar
- Ohugo
- Oidgum
- Ometog
- Onargu
- Onymios
- Ophilrn
- Orarim
- Orat
- Orjrene
- Pahgan
- Pano
- Panorfu
- Pantha
- Parfuk
- Paria
- Pheon
- Phinna
- Phipea
- Phygius
- Polugu
- Poogappho
- Prefrae
- Prim
- Ptodan
- Pugbuor
- Quagha
- Quordul
- Quth
- Raciade
- Relfera
- Renes
- Rodan
- Rodmion
- Ronath
- Ronofhu
- Rorauk
- Rostrim
- Roulgan
- Rourgan
- Sanqut
- Santh
- Slakgo
- Slakor
- Slanaka
- Smos
- Sosros
- Squanike
- Squora
- Stolus
- Stor
- Sumhu
- Supgu
- Supildaku
- Tarim
- Tarsebios
- Tastar
- Tegera
- Teknais
- Temilor
- Terakilus
- Thagan
- Thagia
- Themilug
- Thepildab
- Thfagbu
- Thogape
- Thogla
- Thulat
- Tiochu
- Tiosta
- Todagu
- Todes
- Todorit
- Tosius
- Totia
- Travuk
- Ughippho
- Ughrysa
- Ughugu
- Ulmlaku
- Ulmthe
- Umhu
- Urgha
- Urgia
- Urgugo
- Urlndrim
- Urlugh
- Vaghe
- Varcha
- Vignat
- Vresien
- Vryrya
- Waukgo
- Womattinth
- Womrim
- Wrinaga
- Wrugut
- Wryja
- Wysnira
- Xanthe
- Xanthu
- Xegu
- Xekohn
- Xenia
- Xenod
- Xnuigu
- Xothat
- Xotiok
- Xugh
- Xughat
- Xughoidgu
- Xunugh
- Xurl
- Xuthku
- Xuthor
- Xynith
- Yakgan
- Yararene
- Yerebu
- Yeretkna
- Zarfu
- Zarl
- Zeneod
- Zenice
- Zenodor
- Zilugu
- Zinnar
- Zumhat
- Zuphila
- Zurl
Minotaur Names Unisexual
- Benzera
- Ginphes
- Grema
- Grenba
- Grensal
- Haldis
- Hasrah
- Jandis
- Janjia
- Kelmian
- Nalmis
- Perjia
- Regryan
- Senga
- Syrneth
- Trigres
- Tykir
- Tymor
- Vega
- Venra
- Vrivin
- Walna
- Winmas
- Wrephes
- Wrerah
- Wykel
- Xadres
- Xelnar
- Xilkeas
- Xyvas
Funny Minotaur Names
- A-moo-se-ment
- Beefcake
- Beefy Bob
- Bull-berry
- Bull-derdash
- Bull-doze
- Bull-etin
- Bull-frogged
- Bull-ish on Comedy
- Bull-oney
- Cud-chewer Charlie
- Horn-a-lot
- Horn-bobble
- Horned Humerus
- Horned Humorist
- Horn-sicle
- Lab-rin-thug
- Lab-rin-tickle
- Laby-laugh
- Labyrinth Lunatic
- Labysniff
- Labysnooze (always sleeping)
- Laby-tickled
- Min-o-tourist
- Moo-dini (a great escape artist!)
- Moo-dusa
- Moo-lah (for a wealthy Minotaur)
- Moo-sical
- Moo-sician
- Moo-stache
- Pasture Pete
- Sir Loin
- Taur-ific
- Taur-mato (like tomato!)
- Taur-nado (spinning around!)
- Taur-nip (likes veggies?)
- Taur-tea (enjoys a good brew)
- Taur-tellini (maybe he likes pasta?)
- Taur-toise (slow for a Minotaur!)
- Udder-ly Ridiculous
Badass Minotaur Names
- Aroth
- Ashsnout
- Blazehead
- Bloodhorn
- Brazenhead
- Brutorn
- Carnaxe
- Clawhorn
- Coldtusk
- Craghorn
- Darkmane
- Dragar
- Drakhoof
- Dreadsnout
- Ebonhorn
- Enragar
- Feralhorn
- Flamehorn
- Flintsnout
- Ghorn
- Grimlash
- Gruumshar
- Halkhorn
- Hardhoof
- Helltusk
- Ironmane
- Ironsnout
- Irontail
- Jarkor
- Jarngrim
- Jurngar
- Krashorn
- Kruskull
- Kurngar
- Lashorn
- Lornox
- Lurnox
- Moltusk
- Morgar
- Morntusk
- Narkrash
- Nighthoof
- Nightlash
- Obsidiantail
- Onyxsnout
- Orogrim
- Praxthar
- Pyrehoof
- Pyretusk
- Quickhorn
- Quicktusk
- Quorlash
- Rungar
- Runghar
- Rustram
- Sharphorn
- Skarnhoof
- Stonetail
- Tarnox
- Tharkor
- Thunderhoof
- Ulkarn
- Urgar
- Urthorn
- Varnox
- Vornash
- Vraxtus
- Warntusk
- Wildsnout
- Wrathhorn
- Xarkor
- Xernox
- Xorkarn
- Yarkul
- Yurngrar
- Yurthorn
- Zarghoof
- Zenrar
- Zornash
Famous Minotaur Names
The Minotaur is a creature from ancient Greek mythology, and as such, there is really only one “famous” Minotaur in classical literature: the Minotaur of Crete, who lived in the Labyrinth and was killed by Theseus. However, if you’re looking for names of Minotaurs or similar beings that have appeared in various pieces of literature, games, movies, or TV shows, here’s a list that might satisfy:
- Minotaur of Crete – The original from Greek mythology.
- Bullgryns – Warhammer 40k’s Ogryn variants, which resemble Minotaurs.
- Mino – From the game “Chrono Cross.”
- Rogar Demonblud – A Minotaur character from the Malloreon series by David Eddings.
- Gromnir Il-Khan – From the Baldur’s Gate video game series.
- Taruk – From the Magic: The Gathering card game.
- Bulrok – From the game “Heroes of Might and Magic III.”
- Taurinus – From the mobile game “Summoners War.”
- Toramund – A Minotaur from the “World of Warcraft” universe.
- Mog – From Piers Anthony’s “Xanth” series.
- Tandor – From the “Mystara” campaign setting of Dungeons & Dragons.
- Karn – A Minotaur character from the novel “Tales of the Lance.”
- Gareth – From “Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.”
- Motaro – While not a traditional Minotaur, this character from the Mortal Kombat series has a centaur-like design with bull-like features.
- Rurik – From the novel “The Minotaur Takes a Cigarette Break” by Steven Sherrill.
- Ruul – A Minotaur from the “Star Wars” universe.
- Steropes – A Minotaur from Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson” series.
- Clifford – From the “Monsters University” movie.
- Belaphoss – From the “Neverwinter” game.
- Rurik – From the “Heroes of Might and Magic” series.
- Taurox – From Warhammer Fantasy.
- Taurus – From the Zodiac Starforce comic series.
- Baal – A Minotaur demon from the “Diablo” video game series.
- Tarvos – A Minotaur from the Shin Megami Tensei series.
- Mazoga – A character from the “Elder Scrolls” universe.
- Bull Hostel – From the comic “Lumberjanes.”
- Gorn – From the book “Heroes Die.”
- Rogatus – A Minotaur character from the “Pathfinder” game.
- Mynos – A Minotaur from the “Final Fantasy” universe.
- Toro – From the game “League of Legends.”
- Brax – From the “Doctor Who” series.
- Gort – From the “Time Bandits” movie.
- Iron Bull – From the Dragon Age video game series.
- Maul – A Minotaur from the comic series “WildC.A.T.S.”
- Goristro – A demon resembling a Minotaur from Dungeons & Dragons.
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